The title of this blog comes from song lyrics that I heard many years ago by Switchfoot. And ever since the first time I heard it, these words have never left me. It makes so much sense. Although you might be standing in a shadow, that is direct evidence that the sun is still shining. I think that this is a great metaphor for my life right now. I am walking through some dark times. But I want these times to be evidence of the sun, and the bright glory of the Lord. And so while this blog will be chronicling some sad times in my life, I pray that it is also a testament to God, and a reminder of the good times in the midst of the shadows.

"I have said these things that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I feel like I am having some form of writer's block. Since my last post, I have started at least five new posts, but never been able to get past the second sentence. So I guess this is progress.
The past few days have been tough. I am almost done with this cycle of chemo though, which is good. But I have been completely drained and exhausted this past week. I feel like I am walking around with sandbags tied to me. No matter how much I sleep, I wake up feeling even more exhausted. I am just so run down, and can't catch up. I hate feeling this way. But at least I am almost finished with this cycle, and then I will have a two week break. With all the past doses of the medicine, I haven't been able to take the medicine longer than three weeks, because it has made me so sick. So even though I am sick now, it is definite progress that I have made it this long. But it is still hard. I am just emotionally and physically exhausted right now.
But on a lighter note, Happy New Year! Who knows what this year will bring? This time last year, I had absolutely no idea that all of this would happen. It is such a reminder to me that the Lord is in control of the future. I don't know what is coming in this new year, but I know that God has a plan. So I don't have to be afraid, right? I hope that 2011 will be a turnaround, and that this time next year I will look back at the miracle God brought in 2011 with awe.
Happy 2011! Thanks for all the amazing prayers and support through 2010!

"This is the day [and year] that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" -Psalm 118:24


  1. you've got a great outlook, pear. keep pushing through these last doses, then get to feeling better! love you tons

  2. I suspect you will feel exhausted for awhile, even after you cycles are over. I know it's hard for a young lady that must be useed to always being on the move, but be patient and kind with yourself! I hope your 2011 is filled with much health an happiness Perrin!
