The title of this blog comes from song lyrics that I heard many years ago by Switchfoot. And ever since the first time I heard it, these words have never left me. It makes so much sense. Although you might be standing in a shadow, that is direct evidence that the sun is still shining. I think that this is a great metaphor for my life right now. I am walking through some dark times. But I want these times to be evidence of the sun, and the bright glory of the Lord. And so while this blog will be chronicling some sad times in my life, I pray that it is also a testament to God, and a reminder of the good times in the midst of the shadows.

"I have said these things that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world!" John 16:33

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life Lessons

A few weeks ago Newspring Church had a series on "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People", and although I wasn't able to make it to the actual services, I just finished listening to them online, and it was incredibly powerful. Here are a few points from the sermons that I really liked:

  • With Christ in you, you will no longer be identified by tragedy, but you will be identified by triumph. God transforms our tragedy to His triumph. 
  • God does not punish His children, but instead He prepares them for what is ahead. 
  • Don't waste your pain. God has a purpose for it. 
  • The phrase "fear not" is in the Bible 366 times (once for every day of the year plus one!)
  • God might not immediately deliver you from tragedy, but He promises to always walk with you through it. 
  • Are we going to allow circumstances to determine our belief in God? Or are we going to allow our belief in God to reign over our circumstances?
Then the pastor, Perry Noble, had people give their testimonies. The first one given was from a man who was diagnosed with cancer twice, and who was dying. He said, "If God chooses to heal me, then God is God and God is good. If God chooses not to heal me, and I die, then God is still God and God is still good." Powerful words. 

These notes encouraged me greatly, and so I wanted to share them. Because they don't just apply to life with cancer. It can apply to whatever someone is dealing with in life. God is making all things new, and He promises to make everything beautiful in its time. 

"God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Ecclesiastes 3:11


  1. Yes, a powerful word. And you hear it, own it, live it, and teach others through it! Bless you!


  2. Dear Perrin,
    I love your glorious new background displaying "the shadow proves the sun shines"!

    Yesterday I heard a comment on a Lou Giglio twitter about waiting on God. It was something like, "Everything will be okay when all is said and done. If it's still not okay today, it's not yet all said and done. And it won't be just okay. It will be beautiful!"

    You are beautiful, Perrin! Am praying for you and sending my love, Annhorner
